eCommerce SEO Case Study

Home Improvement Retailer

Industry: B2C and B2B home improvement materials

Services Used: Shopify website, SEO, digital ads, email marketing, social media management

increase in organic search traffic in 1st year after SEO implemented.
0 %
increase in revenue from organic search traffic in 1st year.
0 %
more revenue a year from organic search after 4 years of search optimization.
0 x

The Client

In December 2019, the owners of a newer eCommerce company featuring three unique products in the interior décor/home improvement materials business wanted to optimize their website to show up higher in searches for a trending marketplace.

They knew they had a solid product with a lot of potential but lacked visibility and traffic. They wanted to grow website traffic and ultimately online sales. But how were they going to beat out big home material box stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot plus online marketplaces like Amazon?

Additionally, they didn’t know the types of keywords that would bring in the right traffic and that they could rank for.

The Solution

They engaged us to start with an SEO audit and strategy plan, built just for an eCommerce platform looking to grow. This audit looked at where they stood in rankings and where their competition stood, keywords that had potential for ranking and traffic, areas of technical deficiency with the website, and backlinking/directory opportunities.

With every audit, we also provide the strategy of next steps which points out the keywords to focus on, where to implement on-site for optimizing for those keywords, technical optimization opportunities on-site, and off-site linking opportunities.

The company then had us complete the implementation of the strategy.

We have partnered with them for over four years in monthly management of their SEO, including on-site optimizations, content writing, and web page creation.

The Success

In year one of our partnership with them, their organic search traffic grew by 228%! 

But traffic isn’t everything. While that was one of their main goals, sometimes organic traffic can pick up irrelevant searches. What would really tell a true story? Revenue growth!

In the first year of SEO with Digitable, direct revenue from organic search traffic grew by 137%!

With four years under their belt of search engine optimization, yearly revenue from organic search traffic is now 4x more than when they started.

Ready To Grow Your Business?

You know digital marketing is something you need for business growth. But you want to make the right decision in your next move. And you want to trust you are partnering with the right digital marketing agency to help you grow.

So let’s chat. We’ll have a quick no-pressure consultation to see where you are, what you are doing, and what your goals are. We aim to be informative, helpful, and honest. 

Your first step is to fill out the form below. Let us know any thoughts you currently have about your marketing. We’ll get back to you soon to schedule a time for your free consultation.

During your consultation, a digital marketing expert will discuss your marketing and ask questions to assess what your next best steps could be.

After your consultation, our team will review your opportunities and give you ideas for your next best step in digital marketing – ideas that will match where you are at and your budget.

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