Display ads? Search ads? Facebook ads? What are the best ways for nonprofits to utilize digital advertising?
Here are the top 4 digital advertising options for nonprofits, ranked descending from least effective to most effective in our opinions.
4. Video Ads
Video ads can greatly complement your other digital advertising strategies and are great for brand awareness. They are not, however, great for generating conversions.
If you are just starting out in digital advertising, utilize the other digital advertising methods below first.
3. Display Ads
Nonprofits can use display ads in so many different ways.
They can be used to generate awareness for a very low cost. Display ads can target everyone in your area or to people around the world who match your target audience.
They can be used to generate donations by retargeting people who have been to your website before or who are on your mailing list.
Display ads can have very sophisticated targeting or very basic targeting – making them a great option for many different tactics.
Display ads don’t always have the best conversion rates but are great for cheap awareness with occasionally good results.
2. Social Media Advertising
If you want to reach the masses that are most interested in nonprofit causes, social media advertising is the place to be. They are usually not as inexpensive as display ads, but they can be very effective for awareness, brand recall and social interaction.
The great thing about social media ads is that they also allow your organization to gain new followers, have people share the ads and comment, and allow for some additional free organic impressions through the activity happening on a social media ad.
The question becomes – which is the best social media platform to be on? The answer usually lies in your audience.
Facebook – despite what many may say – is still the place where the largest percentage of people are active. From 13 to 105 years old, people of all ages have Facebook accounts, and while the younger generations aren’t as active on there, they still have a foothold on the platform.
But don’t leave out the other social media outlets for advertising opportunities – especially inexpensive social media advertising.
If your audience tends to be more tech-friendly or trends more professional male – look to Twitter.
If your audience tends to be younger to middle-age – look to Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, or whatever new social media platform is popular at the time you’re reading this.
Have an audience that likes to make lists or are women, creatives, DIYers and the like? Look into Pinterest.
If your audience is comprised of professionals and you really want to hit a very specific business audience – look into LinkedIn ads. But be warned – these are some of the most expensive ad placements out there.
1. Search Ads
Enter Google Grants – completely free digital advertising for nonprofits. All you have to do is be approved for the grant and manage the digital advertising. There are some rules and requirements but many 501(c)3 organizations qualify.
Google Grants comes in the form of free search ads. They are good for reaching people searching for your services and assistance or looking to make a donation or to volunteer. They also help raise awareness of your nonprofit.
These ads aren’t the best for mass awareness to the general population. But it is free advertising for your nonprofit, so use it.
Search ads are great for converting those who want more more information or persuading them to complete an inquiry. Many times, the people searching are in the market for your services.
Implementation of Digital Advertising for Nonprofits
Most of the options above are difficult to set up and manage. Having a professional work on your digital advertising will be worth its cost many times. There is a greater opportunity for mistakes and wasting money when trying to do it yourself.
A professional will be able to come up with a strategy, set the ads up correctly and optimize the ads for improved performance over the course of the campaign.
Digitable specializes in helping nonprofits with their digital advertising. Feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation on the best strategies to use for your upcoming campaign.